UFI is an international, non-profit association conforming to the French law of 1st July 1901. Its structure consists of decision-making bodies, regional chapters and working groups, devoted to serving the interests of its members and the entire exhibition industry. This structure aims at answering the needs and requirements of all UFI members by providing them with critical information for their business.

Mr. Hugh Jones
Mr. Chris Skeith OBE

(Outgoing President)
Mr. Geoff Dickinson

(Incoming President)
Mrs. Panittha Buri
The General Assembly
This is the most important decision-making body and retains final authority. Only full UFI members are entitled to attend and vote at the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assemblies.
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is tasked with implementing decisions taken by the General Assembly, with developing UFI policy, and preparing all proposals related to matters affecting international trade fairs. After thorough preparation, these proposals are submitted for vote to UFI members at the annual General Assembly. The Board of Directors is comprised of a maximum of 60 members.
Please click below for a complete list of the members of the UFI Board of Directors
The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee develops the general policy positions of UFI. The Executive Committee’s recommendations are submitted to the Board of Directors for its further review and action. The Executive Committee is composed of the UFI President, a maximum of 5 Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Chapter Chairs and the Chair of the Associations’ Committee.
Please click below for a complete list of the members of the UFI Executive Committee
The UFI President
Elected by the UFI Board of Directors for a one-year mandate, the UFI President is the legal and official representative of UFI, chairing the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and the General Assemblies. A list of past Presidents is available here.
The Trio
This is the term used to refer to the UFI President and the two Executive Vice-Presidents (Incoming and Outgoing Presidents) all three of whom work closely together.