Company Details

BEXCO - Busan Exhibition & Convention Center

Founded in: 2001
UFI Member since: 2007

Business Category

  • Exhibition Organiser & Centre Operator


55 APEC-ro, Haeundae-gu
South Korea


+82 51 740 7545


+82 51 740 7640

Korea Railways and Logistics Fair.

(co-organised with Messe Frankfurt Korea)

Organising Company

BEXCO - Busan Exhibition & Convention Center

Organiser Location

Busan, South Korea

Business Sector

Transport, Logistics, Maritime


Every 2 years

Event Open To

Public & Professionals


Session 202120232025
Event Location Busan, BEXCOBusan, BEXCOBusan, BEXCO
Date of start 16/06/202114/06/202318/06/2025
Date of end 19/06/202117/06/202321/06/2025


Busan, South Korea

Total Surface Area

100,000 m2

Gross Rentable

57,120 m2

Exhibition Space

57,120 m2

Among which
Covered: 46,380 m2
Open Air: 10,740 m2

Distance From

City Centre 7.0 km
Airport 23.0 km
Railway Station 13.0 km
Highway 8.0 km


Parking 3,091
Restaurants 8
  • Post Office: No
  • Bank Agency: Yes
  • Bank Exchange Facility: Yes
  • Travel Agency: Yes
  • Shopping Gallery: No
  • Technical Service Centre: Yes
  • Customs Facilities: No
  • Forwarding Agency: No
  • Tourist Information: Yes
  • Hotel Reservation Booking Office: No

Who's Who

Mr. Sohn Soo Deuk

Mr. Sohn Soo Deuk

President / CEO
Mr. Sooyoung Ahn

Mr. Sooyoung Ahn

Manager, MICE Department
Mr. Jaeman Moon

Mr. Jaeman Moon

Assistant Manager, Exhibition Strategy Department