Company Details

State Company for Iraqi Fairs & Commercial Services

Baghdad International Fair

Founded in: 1956
UFI Member since: 1971

Business Category

  • Exhibition Organiser & Centre Operator


Al-Mansour, Baghdad International Fair Ground, P.O. Box 6188




Baghdad International Fair

Organising Company

State Company for Iraqi Fairs & Commercial Services

Organiser Location

Baghdad, Iraq

Business Sector

Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing, Machines, Instruments, Hardware, General


Once a year

Event Open To

Public & Professionals


Session 202320242025
Event Location Baghdad, International Fair GroundsBaghdad, International Fair GroundsBaghdad, International Fair Grounds
Date of start  10/01/2024 
Date of end  19/01/2024 

Baghdad International Fair


Baghdad, Iraq

Total Surface Area

305,345 m2

Gross Rentable

119,388 m2

Exhibition Space

119,388 m2

Among which
Covered: 69,388 m2
Open Air: 50,000 m2

Distance From

City Centre 5.0 km
Airport 17.0 km
Railway Station 2.0 km
Highway 1.0 km


Parking 0
Restaurants 1
  • Post Office: Yes
  • Bank Agency: Yes
  • Bank Exchange Facility: Yes
  • Travel Agency: Yes
  • Shopping Gallery: Yes
  • Technical Service Centre: Yes
  • Customs Facilities: Yes
  • Forwarding Agency: Yes
  • Tourist Information: No
  • Hotel Reservation Booking Office: No

Who's Who

Eng. Areej Hussein Oleiwi

Eng. Areej Hussein Oleiwi

Deputy Director General
Mr. Qusai Dawood Salman

Mr. Qusai Dawood Salman

Manager of External Fairs Dept.
Mr. Husam Sharki

Mr. Husam Sharki

Manager of Interior Fairs Dept.