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emphasize the impact of exhibitions by short videos and some interesting data

Organised by

Turkish Fair Organizers Association

3 June 2020 at 10:00 UTC

İstanbul, Türkiye

Target Audience

Lobbying (politicians, local authorities)
Business community (including clients and prospects)
Exhibition industry professionals
Students and academics

TFOA started posting short videos giving brief info on the history of trade shows in our country, delivering messages of several industries appraising exhibitions on the social media accounts such as instagram, twitter and linkedin as of May 7th and continues posting regualrly since then. The postings which are in Turkish bear #ged20 #ufi #exhibitions..Feeding social media accounts with a bunch of videos/data will last until June 3rd and on that special day we will issue our final video covering this year's theme. You can follow our short videos at the link ;

Celebrating GED and delivering the message that we are ready to reopen our exhibitions

Organised by

Tuyap Group

3 June 2020 at 10:00 UTC

İstanbul, Türkiye

Target Audience

Lobbying (politicians, local authorities)
Business community (including clients and prospects)
Exhibition industry professionals
Students and academics

We have a video emphasizing the impact of exhibitions on the economy and that we are ready to reopen our exhibitions in accordance with the new norms of health and safety regulations.
we haver already started posting some visual images on the social media accounts of Tuyap Group companies to build an awareness on the significance of exhibitions and on June 3rd we will issue our main video.

Video for GED celebration

Organised by

Ferda Tuncer

3 June 2020 at 10:00 UTC

İstanbul, Türkiye

Target Audience

Other (Personal followers on instagram)

a personal GED celebration with a message accenting on the significance of real trade shows
Instagram acct : ferdatuncer

JEC World The leading international composites show

Organised by


3 June 2020 at 10:00 UTC

Paris, France

Target Audience

Lobbying (politicians, local authorities)
Business community (including clients and prospects)
Exhibition industry professionals

For 2020, JEC Group would like to support the GED campaign to show how Exhibitions are key to rebuilding economies and how JEC World is key for the composites industry and for reactivating business. Join us in March 2021, reconnect with the marketplace and demonstrate how the composites industry has the ability to bounce back.
Happy Global Exhibitions Day!

Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre celebrates Global Exhibition Day 2020

Organised by

Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre(BITEC)

3 June 2020 at 09:00 UTC

Bangkok, Thailand

Target Audience

Business community (including clients and prospects)
Exhibition industry professionals
Students and academics

Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre celebrates Global Exhibition Day 2020
We are proud to be part of Global Exhibitions
Day 3 June 2020

Contact Details

Pharindhorn Co.,Ltd.

World Trade Center Metro Manila Celebrates GED 2020

Organised by

World Trade Center Metro Manila

3 June 2020 at 09:00 UTC

Pasay City, Philippines

Target Audience

Business community (including clients and prospects)

This post came out in Facebook and Instagram:

World Trade Center Metro Manila is taking part in celebrating this year's Global Exhibitions Day (GED) today! Check it out here. #wtcmm #GED2020

Online webinar: Re-imagine, Re-engage, Re-connect

Organised by

Exhibition & Event Association of Australasia

3 June 2020 at 05:30 UTC

Sydney, Australia

Target Audience

Business community (including clients and prospects)
Exhibition industry professionals
Students and academics


The EEAA 2020 Global Exhibitions Day celebration will be a virtual event with renowned international and local guest speakers who will share their views on the future of our industry.

Our campaign is “Re-Imagine, Re-Engage, and Re-Connect”. We invite the audience to re-imagine the future of exhibitions and events, to re-engage with stakeholders, and to re-connect with the business events community.

#togetherstrong #GED2020 Campaign

Organised by

IELA International Exhibition Logistics Association

3 June 2020

Geneva, Switzerland

Target Audience

Lobbying (politicians, local authorities)
Business community (including clients and prospects)
Exhibition industry professionals
Students and academics

IELA invites all event professionals to join the initiative TOGETHER STRONG and support Global Exhibitions Days, TOGETHER and STRONG, from now until June 3rd 2020.

Together with associations, organisers, venues and service providers etc, we are building the contingency network to cater to the industry’s needs in this challenging times.

For this reason, and due to the nature of home office participation which offers unrelenting flexibility to combat the loss of cancelled activities, IELA invites all event professionals to join the #GED2020 #togetherstrong campaign, with individual STRONG portrait and STRONG corporate mosaics.

Share your own picture of being STRONG on social media using the hashtag #togetherstrong & #GED2020 and your personal message to the industry partners!

“This is our industry, our passion, our world.”

All information available in the press release below.

What we love about the exhibitions industry

Organised by


3 June 2020

Worldwide, Australia

Target Audience

Business community (including clients and prospects)
Exhibition industry professionals

As staff, we are collecting quotes about what we love most about the exhibitions industry, and placing them up on our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts to promote Global Exhibitions Day 2020. This will happen right up to Global Exhibitions Day.

On Global Exhibitions Day, we will be releasing a mosaic of 25 photos from staff holding up 1 word signs (that will say: "We will connect; we will rebuild our industry, community and economy; and we will be back together, face-to-face, stronger than ever before! #GED2020")

Social media posting, press release, information for the staff

Organised by

Messukeskus Helsinki, Expo and Convention Centre

3 June 2020

Helsinki, Finland

Target Audience

Lobbying (politicians, local authorities)
Business community (including clients and prospects)
Other (Staff)


We will raise conversation about sustainability, safe restart and our economic impact using hastags #GED2020 and #Messukeskus.

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