The 2019 UFI HR Award


Employer Branding
How to attract and retain key skills

The 2019 UFI HR Award focused on employer branding as one of the most critical issues in Human Resources today. Competition is continually increasing for the “right” people, those individuals that form a critical part of any successful business. Therefore, a strong corporate culture is needed that enables companies to recruit better candidates, but also to keep them. The objective of this award is to honour outstanding initiatives that helped boost the company’s reputation as a “great employer”.


Applications are closed for the 2019 HR Award and the winner has been selected.

The winner receives free access to the UFI Global Congress in Bangkok, Thailand, in November 2019. They will be officially recognised as the award winner during this Congress, and will have the possibility of presenting their award-winning ideas during the Best Practices Special Interest Group session.

Reed Exhibitions Brazil wins the 2019 UFI Human Resources Award

The HR Management Working Group made its decision during its recent meeting in Birmingham, where projects of the three strong finalists, Corferias (Brazil), Fiera Milano (Italy) and Reed Exhibitions Brazil (Brazil), were discussed.

“It was a difficult task to choose the winner of this year’s award as all finalists presented high quality project,” said Cecilia Henningsson, HR Director at Stockholmsmässan and Chair of UFI HR Management Committee. “Reed Exhibitions Brazil did a great job in implementing the employer branding strategy. The company also presented key figures on ROI and a systematic corporate approach that build a solid best practice for the industry. We congratulate Reed Exhibitions Brazil for their excellent initiative.”

“It’s a tremendous honour for Reed Exhibitions Brazil to receive an HR Award!” commented Alinne Rosa, HR Vice-President at Reed Exhibitions Brazil. “Taking care of our people will help us to build a strong employer brand as we are the most important ambassadors to show the world how great it is to be part of the events industry. We really have #PeopleOfReed at the centre of our management strategy and this recognition reinforces how important it is to engage people in building HR processes together with the business. We are 200 people building this future proudly together and we are just beginning!  Thank you UFI for believing in this future for our industry through this recognition of our efforts.”

The UFI HR Award is one of UFI’s annual competitions that recognises and rewards successful result oriented initiatives in the exhibition industry. UFI’s awards celebrate excellence in areas ranging from human resources and digital innovation to trade-fair poster design and sustainable development.

The UFI Award winners will share their projects at the 86th UFI Global Congress, which will take place from 6-9 November 2019 in Bangkok (Thailand).



Operations & Services Award

To give exhibition professionals the opportunity to exchange interesting and innovative ideas, concepts, techniques and knowledge to related operations issues.

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Marketing Award

The UFI Marketing Award is given to the best initiatives undertaken by exhibition professionals which utilizes personalized marketing to achieve their marketing goals.

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