Media Releases

UFI welcomes Pierre Aurélien Vidon as Head of Marketing and Communications

Paris – 27 June 2024: UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, has recently appointed Pierre Aurélien Vidon as the association’s new Head of Marketing and Communications.

In his role, Pierre Aurélien will enhance UFI’s visibility and engagement among its members and industry stakeholders. His expertise will be instrumental in evolving UFI’s image and developing strategic campaigns to amplify the association’s mission as well as highlight the actions of our members for the entire industry.

Pierre Aurélien brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to UFI’s marketing efforts. After earning a Master’s Degree in International Luxury Marketing from ISTEC — Higher Institute of Commerce and Marketing in France — he gained valuable experience working in marketing and communication across diverse companies in the fashion, retail, and insurance sectors. His background in addressing organisational challenges and deploying tailored brand awareness strategies will be instrumental in strengthening the association’s global presence.

Pierre Aurélien, UFI Head of Marketing and Communications, added: “I’m thrilled to join UFI and bring my expertise to an organisation deeply rooted in our industry’s history, dedicated to uniting professionals around values of mutual support and collaboration. I’m eager to explore this new sector and immerse myself in an international work environment deeply connected to the world’s biggest challenges.”

“Pierre Aurélien Vidon’s addition to our team marks an exciting new chapter for UFI,” commented Adeline Vancauwelaert, COO of UFI. “His forward-thinking approach and extensive experience will be invaluable to enhancing our engagement and showcasing the impactful work of our members and stakeholders. We are confident that his vision and leadership will help further the global reach of the exhibition industry.”

For more information about UFI and its initiatives, please visit


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UFI Global Congress – the exhibition industry’s annual global gathering to take place in Bahrain in 2026

  • Largest gathering of exhibition industry professionals to be held in the Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Exhibition World Bahrain located in Sakhir selected as host for the event

Paris / Bahrain – 25 June 2024: UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, has announced that its 93rd UFI Global Congress will be held in the Kingdom of Bahrain, hosted by the Exhibition World Bahrain (EWB) in Sakhir.

The UFI Board of Directors unanimously voted at the 2024 UFI European Conference in Zurich, Switzerland. Bahrain’s strategic location in the Middle East, coupled with its rich cultural heritage and EWB’s state-of-the-art facilities, makes it an ideal destination for UFI’s premier event.

The UFI Global Congress is the exhibition industry’s leading annual event, bringing together industry leaders from around the world to network and discuss the future of the industry. A testament to the global footprint of UFI, the event takes place in different regions around the world each year. The 2026 edition will see the event returning to the Middle East after the 2022 edition in Oman, which saw more than 400 delegates from over 50 countries and regions.

Held annually in the 4th quarter, the UFI Global Congress is open to over 50,000 industry professionals globally and takes place in top trade show destinations. After this year’s Congress in Cologne, Germany (20-23 November 2024), the event will move to Hong Kong, hosted by AsiaWorld-Expo. Previous host cities include Las Vegas, Muscat, Rotterdam, and Bangkok.

“We are honoured to have been selected as the host destination for the UFI Global Congress,” said H.E. Fatima bint Jaffar Al Sairafi, the Minister of Tourism and Chairman of Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA). “This is a testament to Bahrain’s commitment to the MICE industry and our ongoing efforts to drive innovation in this promising sector. We look forward to welcoming delegates from across the globe to experience the Bahraini hospitality and the many opportunities our nation has to offer.”

UFI President Geoff Dickinson (CEO, dmg events) commented: “After Cologne in 2024 and Hong Kong in 2025, we couldn’t be more excited to announce that Bahrain will host the 2026 UFI Global Congress. Exhibition World Bahrain presented a very strong bid, making it an easy decision for the UFI leadership. After the success of the 2022 UFI Global Congress in Oman, we are thrilled to return to the Middle East for another unforgettable event.”

For more information about the UFI Global Congress, visit:


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