The 2024 UFI Marketing Award

Data-Driven Revenue: The Secret Ingredient for Venues and Event Organisers

In the competitive world of exhibitions and venues, every customer touchpoint is a goldmine of insights into what our customers want and need. By collecting and analysing data from ticket sales, surveys and channel marketing, we can gain valuable insights into what our exhibitors, visitors and delegates are looking for. This information can then be used to inform our marketing strategies, improve our events and boost our bottom line by monetizing what we have invested in and learned from.

That’s why we’re excited to announce the theme of the UFI Marketing Awards: Data-Driven Revenue – The Secret Ingredient for Venues and Event Organisers.

The application is open to all companies from the exhibition industry (organisers, venues, service providers, associations), whether they are UFI members or not.

Deadline for application is 13 March 2024 and details about the process can be found here: 

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International Fair Poster Competition

The annual International Fair Poster Competition celebrates the best posters produced by tradeshow organisers around the world.

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HR Award

The UFI HR Award wishes to recognize initiatives designed to support talents and future leaders in their career development.

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